Allah Maha Baik

Friday, October 25, 2013

My Favorite Student

After being chosen as the most favorite teacher several years ago :D, I decided to have my favorite student as well each year. It doesn't mean I give more (special attention or else) to this student, but I just love the way she/ he does.

I am going to tell you my fav one this year. I have just met her last month, but she has become my most dedicated student among others. She is the cutest, "unyu-unyu" little chubby girl. She is a second year student of elementary school, not my senior students, but my private student. Actually, I have taught from morning to evening recently, to be busy, to share more, to do (whatever) I can do to grow gracefully.

Alright, let's get back to my little Gaby. She comes to my house twice/ three times a week in the evening. She comes on time, sometimes in time, in her flowery gown or cute casual blouse. She always brings her Hello Kitty stuffs, bag, eraser, books, or many other that sweetie dolls on it. She will sit silently, answer my greeting, then asks me many questions then. Not only that, she also brings her colorful pencils or pens that I have to sign her book with different color each meeting. 

I was surprised when the first time she asked me, "Do we have homework, ibu?" (Well, she still calls me ibu although I have asked her to call me Miss Winda or mam like other students do). After that night, we have homework for each meeting. She has a special book for that, means she loves to write many works there. Okay, she is not only a diligent, innocent, and cute, she is also easy to catch my explanation about the materials. She only needs once or twice sometimes then she will remember the lessons very well. Hm, she is not like my early elementary students who loved to jump and run back and forward, but of course she is just a kid that sometimes she does something weird for me.

Teaching younger students has taught me how to be "more like a mom than a teacher".

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Science-Based Learning

Welcome to a new smaller class where the participants are divided into 6 classes, means fewer people, more closed friends. I met some new teachers that I haven't met in these two days.

Well, today is fun, today is talking about the technical stuff of science based learning or scientific research in detail. I even can't take a breath that a lot since it's such a busy day, but for writing blogs :D. Actually I have done my part of our small projects, so while others are working, let me share a piece of cake I have gotten and saved in my mind.

After getting sort of explanations and descriptions about science method from the humble master tutor (He is just humble, smart (Dr), and handsome :D, I find a light in the long darkness of science stuff. Aha...I m not serious about that, I am still confused about many.

We have been practicing, looking at another ease of doing or making a project. I am definitely sure this method is not always applied for science lesson but also others, my subject actually. That's why there is a new approach this era called Scientific Approach for supporting 2013 curriculum. Science combines many lessons. Isn't the purpose of this is to make students think critically or help them ready to solve their problem in scientific ways. Certainly they will need that. I am imagining what I can do when I get back to my lovely classes, simply miss my students.

Ugh, my friend is calling, I ll be back to tell you about this in formal illustration as soon as I can get connected ;)   


I am not talking about "option" in general, it's just another new terminology that I have just met in this program.

Most of students work are about applied science, so the director asked more about pure science or social. Ah ya, I am asking myself about the difference between both science above, then I get a short answer. Basic science or the pure one is including Math, Biology, Physic, and Chemistry. While applied science consists of these fields, such as Ecology, Machine and Electronic, Informatic Well, I am amazed that there is a special space for language, literature, and art. Should I say wow? Although I still don't exactly know how is the form of this kind of research in this field.

the selections process:

  1. Presentation (Students may use Indonesian or English, English will be better, he said).
  2. Poster and Exhibition.
  3. Assessment.
  • Students send the result of their experiment or the report.
  • Juries select the best work based on some criteria decided before.
  • Students who are selected will be invited to come to Jakarta for another selection steps.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Nurturing Research Culture

Dunia penelitian adalah dunia yang sepi, Prof. DR. Ir. Ahmad Jasidi, M.Eng said in his speech yesterday. It’s just easy to boost art world, like creating new singers, new boy or girl groups. Also for some other events, like Cycling Community, or Car Free Day community, this kind of groups can improve the followers extremely quickly. Let’s look back to science community, the progress runs so slowly, even almost unknown, only very few who run it. That’s why this training for about 450 teachers from all over Indonesia is being held. At first I was a little bit surprised then asked myself what is the purpose of this? Spending money for the end of the year, but wait, wait, there is the aim behind this. Sponsored by Intel, this training wishes teachers can share what they get here to the students, ask them to write, become active participants then can be a part of ISEF in United States next upcoming year. Intel, LIPI, and Kemdikmen want this information spread out evenly since most teachers from different areas are invited.

SAInS (School in Action for Innovation in Science)

I would like to take a short note about the topic that had been delivered by Rebecca Johnson from Columbia University.

She started by saying her personal experience, her fear of science like many kids have, just like what i have actually. She took her bachelor purely in social then recently she just turned into somebody else who loves science and lives science as well. So, here the wise words came then never give up if you find your students aren’t interested yet, maybe someday they will just love it.

That’s only an acknowledgment by the way. The point is about what she called STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). It is a new (most recent even in America) curriculum that concerns on scientific things a lot more than others do. There are several schools in New York that has been implementing this new idea and it brings such a greater output. Well yah, why science? Is that only about calculating or similar stuffs? It is related to the theme of this huge event, nurturing research culture through Indonesia educator academy 2013. One of many ways to increase the quality of education is making research as a part of lifestyle, not something unreachable.

The curriculum is simply applied based on these current educational theories discussed, which are constructivism, differentiated learning, inquiry, experimental learning, project-based learning, outdoor education or expeditionary learning. Well, if I m not mistaken some of those methods have been instructed to be implemented. But, there’s always but in this case.

Let’s come to the big inventory of this STEM Education, they call this “FAB LAB” or Fabrication Laboratory. It is a simple laboratory that produces many different fancy stuffs. Indeed, it needs a lot of money, that’s why only some schools run the program. Rebecca said she is now making a project for transferring the idea to Indonesia. That program has brought her here.

Scientific Event for Both Teachers and Students

Last night, Ms. Indri from LIPI mentioned some annual events that have been held for long time but the participants are still not even. The winner are mostly from similar schools from year to year. So, she asked us to be involved. There are many of them, such as, PIRNAS (a scientific camp), LKIR, or NYIA. The greatest one of course is ISEF that will be done in Los Angeles next year.

At first, I was asking my presence here since I am not a science teacher nor fond of this world. But, I can say I can be the part of social science. And the most demanding and important thing that those events need English as the language of presentation. So, it's not that bad uh? Being in the middle of many teachers who have (let say) the same mission. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Pantai Lalang

Menyusuri pantai Lalang di Minggu pagi akhirnya menjadi kebiasaan, meski awalnya sulit karena harus memaksa kaki berjalan (lagi).

Pantai Lalang, tidak ada yang istimewa dibandingkan pantai-pantai lain yang pernah saya kunjungi. Hanya saja, letaknya yang paling dekat rumah membuatnya menjadi satu-satunya destinasi pilihan saat saya butuh bercerita, bermonolog dengan pikiran yang berseliweran di kepala.

Untuk tempat wisata, saya punya dilema akut yang belum tersembuhkan hingga saat ini. Disatu sisi, saya sangat menyukai keheningan, tempat yng hening untuk menyepi namun disisi lain saya takut diculik :D, oleh karenanya pilihan waktu saya datang ke pantai ini pun kadang sangat ekstrem. Contohnya, dua minggu lalu, saya datang setelah sholat subuh, dengan perkiraan telah ada orang karena biasannya sehabis subuh minggu tetangga saya, para ibu sudah mulai keluar, tapi ternyata tidak ada satu orang pun di sana. Sukseslah saya harus memberanikan diri. Nah, lain lagi pagi ini, saya datang agak siang dengan resiko akan ada banyak orang yang berarti acara semedi dan kontemplasi saya yang panjang akan terganggu, and tadaaa, ternyata memang iya. Disana sini, anak-anak berlari, berteriak, loncat-loncat, dan sejenis itu.

Pantai Lalang bukan destinasi wisata tentu saja bagi saya, tapi menjadi salah satu tempat favorit dikala harus memikirkan jawaban-jawaban dari persoalan hidup yang menggantung, statis kadang, dan sulit diselesaikan. Bukan Selain itu, pantai ini bisa menjadi sasaran tempat untuk memulai kebiasaan berolahraga saya yang terpendam sebelumnya. Dengan hanya berjalan atau berlari (sedikit) saya sudah cukup yakin bisa merayakan hidup nanti pada saat tua (ah ya). Um, itu bagian dari the art of getting older gracefully nampaknya :) Rencana awalnya, saya hanya akan berjalan atau berlari di pinggiran tapi saya selalu tergoda untuk menanggalkan sepatu butut saya lalu bermain pasir, lalu merendam kaki di gemericik air :D, that's life uh?

Hm, kembali ke pantai Lalang. Pantai ini tidak selalu ramai, hanya pada waktu-waktu tertentu, saat ada event misalnya, atau weekend. Ah, jangan coba-coba kesana Minggu sore, maka pesona pantai akan tenggelam oleh riuh rendahnya suara manusia dan derum mesin motor yang tak kunjung henti. Saya pernah sekali, saat ada dua murid saya yang rajin meminta konsultasi khusus di hari Minggu dan memilih ayunan pantai Lalang sebagai tempat berdiskusi. Alhasil, saya pulang dengan kepala berdenyut karena bising yang tak tertahankan.

Pantai ini juga menjadi tempat liburan favorit keluarga sepertinya, karena saya selalu menemukan pasangan yang membawa anak-anaknya entahkah untuk berenang, ataupun hanya berjalan di pinggiran pantai. Oh ya, matahari pagi terbit dengan sangat anggun disini. Saya selalu berkesempatan bertegur sapa dengan mentari pagi yang menjanjikan janji kehidupan yang lebih baik tiap harinya. Coba, jika semua janji dapat tertunai dengan baik seperti janji matahari yang akan datang tiap paginya.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Who is gonna be a leader?

Monday, September 30, 2013 at 3.30 p.m.

As I said, I have been waiting for the pictures and videos taken by Bayu, but I am sure they are still staying safe in Bayu's camera somewhere in his house :) I only have two pictures of you which is not exactly represented our activities on that day...ugh

Here is the story of EC third meeting. We were about to choose the leader, a kind of simple structure for this small and newborn organization. Tri, Thea, and some other students were absent, I wish it won't happen again.

Before voting, we were doing sort of campaign flyer, everyone made his own campaign for somebody s/he trusted to be responsible to manage and lead this club. Well, yeah, that was quite amazing since most of them chose the one who was not in that class. They believed that their candidates could run this club better and survive.

Alright, then came the result. The voting pointed Thea as the leader, Tri as the secretary, Erlinda as the treasure and others who are still being arranged by Thea. There was no speech from those who won bacause they were not there. So, we agreed to discuss a little bit about what are we going to share and do here.

The topic of our discussion was "If I am a leader of EC, I will..."
I asked everyone to think about ideas that we can do together. I was surprised for the ideas were great and somewhat unbelievable. I still remember when Herfendi said he wanted to bring snacks for other members, or hold cooking show or something like that. And most groups agreed to travel outside, to refresh our mind once a month or more. Let see the atmosphere later. Can't wait for the other meeting :)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

5 CM

Jujur, saya adalah penikmat kata-kata dibanding film, bukan berarti saya tidak suka film. Tapi, untuk film yang diadaptasi dari buku jarang sekali bisa memuaskan imaginasi saya yang akan dengan teliti mengingat setiap detail cerita dari buku.

Weekend lalu secara tidak sengaja menemukan film ini, 5 CM. Pertemuan pertama saya dengan karya mas Donny Dhirgantoro ini sekitar tahun 2008, pas buku ini baru beredar dipasaran (kalau tidak salah belum ada label best sellernya). Setelah itu, saya menjadi penyuka buku tersebut meski tidak berlaku untuk buku berikutnya dari pengarang yang sama. 5 CM bercerita tentang persahabatan luar biasa yang dibangun lima anak muda yang loyal, gila, tapi keren banget akademik dan non akademiknya. Ceritanya sangat anak muda dan sangat Indonesia. Kelima pemerannya digambarkan dengan detail disertai kekurangan dan kelebihan masing-masing. Jika ditanya siapa tokoh favorit saya? Tentu saja Genta, pemuda penuh visi dan hidupnya serius dan lurus saja.

Well, kembali ke film yang baru saya temukan di rentalan (sedih banget si ga ngerti cara download sendiri), dan kemaren pas film ini tayang di TV saya belum bisa menonton dengan alasan sibuk :D. Pas nemu DVDnya, saya langsung teriak yes ketemu juga dan buru-buru menonton. Hmm, sebelumnya saya berusaha keras untuk tidak menghadirkan ingatan tentang buku yang sudah saya baca sepertinya beberapa kali (that's another bad habit when my life is getting absurd). Jeng..jeng, filmnya dimulai dari sebuah narasi yang ternyata dibawakan Zafran (sang pujangga yang super puitis yang sebenarnya di buku juga dikatakan ia pintar dan idealis tapi disini hanya ditekankan kegilaannya pada dunia seni dan cinta bertepuk sebelah tangannya pada Dinda, see saya tetap membanding-bandingkan). Lalu, scene langsung ke pertemuan mereka di rumah Arial yang detail, persis kayak ceritanya. Ada episode yang ditinggal (yang saya suka sebenarnya) bagian Ian, si gendut yang menyadari bahwa ia hanya pribadi ikut-ikutan yang berusaha menyenangkan semua temannya lalu melupakan jati dirinya... that's worth to see.

Okeh, masih tentang film. Em, ada pemandangan yang super keren pas gunung Semeru di sorot. Ah, suka, suka. Harusnya film-film kita emang begini, lebih menunjukkan keindahan alam yang ada, yang natural, biar menggugah hati untuk berkelana kesana (hehe, tidak berarti saya harus naik gunung kan? No way, I m too much older for that). Kebanyakan adegan memang difokuskan disini rupanya. Kisah kelima sahabat plus Dinda naik gunung.

Untuk nilai-nilai yang terdapat dalam film (juga buku tentu saja) ada banyak, selain solidaritas persahabatan, juga tentang cinta tanah air, meski cinta tanah air juga tidak melulu soal pembuktian seperti naik gunung. Tapi pesan untuk mencintai Indonesia dengan menjaga alamnya cukup menarik.

“Percaya 5cm di depan kening kamu.”
"Kemudian yang kamu perlukan hanyalah kaki yang akan melangkah lebih jauh, tangan yang akan berbuat lebih banyak, mata yang akan melihat lebih lama, leher yang akan lebih sering mendongak, tekad yang setebal baja, dan hati yang akan bekerja lebih keras serta mulut yang selalu berdoa."