Allah Maha Baik

Friday, August 30, 2013

Habit Bukan Hobbit

Well, ini bukan cerita para hobbit yang lucu dan imut-imut dalam dalam dunia antah berantahnya J.R Tolkien, tapi habit atau kebiasaan.

Kata Pak Marpaung dalam salah satu buku motivasinya dituliskan "Pada awalnya kita yang membentuk kebiasaan, tapi kemudian kebiasaan lah yang akhirnya membentuk siapa kita." Tidak persis begitu, saya lupa redaksi aslinya.

Ini lebih pada pengalaman pribadi. Di masa muda (ehm) sebenarnya dua bulan lalu dihitung mundur, saya paling malas memasak. Ugh, memasak seolah tampak sesulit pelajaran matematika di siang hari panas dalam kondisi lapar. Well, yah itu keterlaluan tapi saya benar-benar malas. Tidak ada akses ke para sayur mayur, tidak ada waktu karena pulang siang, dan tidak ada lainnya. Mencari alasan memang selalu lebih mudah bukan jika tidak menyukai melakukan sesuatu. Padahal saya sudah melakukan resolusi-review-resolusi dst beberapa tahun lalu semenjak bekerja bahwa saya harus memasak. Kata orang tua, memasak itu perlu bagi calon ibu rumah tangga. Dulu sih saya bisa melenggang enteng dengan menjawab, tinggal beli saja, atau pasti suami saya akan mengerti :D, hehe.

Tapi, tahun ini, tidak boleh, tidak mau, harus berubah. Di buku lainnya yang saya baca, entahkah dimana buku tersebut berada atau sebenarnya ini quote dari seseorang yang terkenal tapi punten saya sangat lupa kuadrat, untuk merubah kebiasaan cukup mulai dengan melakukan sesuatu selama dua minggu berturut-turut secara disiplin, antusias, dan tidak boleh tidak. Dua minggu bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah jika tak pernah melakukan sebelumnya. Karena sekarang sudah berniat, niat banget demi keselamatan kantong karena tinggal ditempat baru juga dan demi kemaslahatan kesehatan jadi saya berjuang, fighting.

Finally, saya mulai minta kelonggaran dari diri sendiri dihari ke sebelas karena begadang, bangun kelewat jam yang telah ditentukan, dan lagi seabrek alasan lainnya...wuah gubrak. Susah ya konsisten? Lebih mudah untuk menepati janji pada orang lain dibanding pada diri sendiri. Besok, mulai lagi dari 0..wew, ugh.

Friday, August 16, 2013


I felt so embarrassed that night.

It was August 14 that I had that long journey to get back to work. I preferred using smaller car to bus since I got to chase a flight the next day. Then here the story came. I sat next to the driver, a silly one. At first, he seemed to ask for a nice and long chit chat (I m sure that because of an act of prevention for not to sleep along the 8 hours drive). Then, the talk became not nice at all since the driver looked like to know more about my personal life. The driver is a he, and he is absolutely not married yet. I did that odd mistake. I rarely lie, especially for strangers, how could? But, for the sake of my safety, I started to lie a little I thought but it came bigger at the end.

When his question was about my status, I simply said that I am a married woman. Then he wanted to know more (I thought it would stop that silly talk but it was too late, he was so curious). I had to say that I am a mother of a cute baby. He asked where was my husband, then I answered he had gone first because of his undeniable job. Well, it's already a long lie, um? Definitely, and I started to feel bad. Lying doesn't work with me.

Because the situation was not good at all, I pretended to sleep until I really slept for the rest of the journey. Then, we had to stop at the restaurant for having rest and dinner, I met another guy on the way to toilet. And you know what, he was my junior at school. To make it worse, he was sitting at the very back of the car where I lied that night. He smiled and asked some light question, but I did know he listened to every lie that I made. He lived not too far from my house and of course he certainly knew who am I or my status. He didn't do any good because when he talked to the driver he explained (nor needed actually) who I am. The driover didn't clarify but he started to act like "hello I am an available guy". Oh no, I felt really absolutely positively embarrassed and bad at the same time.

Embarrassing, ugghh can't even forget that night.

Friday, August 9, 2013


Well, yeah, I miss blogging. Literally I missed blogging since I am home. U know why home is being called home sweet home? There u can find warmth, cozy situation that makes you forget such craps in this somewhat hard life.

I was wondering the difference between home and house once, then I found the meaning for each. House is just simply for building, something consists of stones, cement, and sand. But home, it's widely defines many beautiful and wonderful things in this world. Sure, not always. I admit this, sometimes you are not gonna love your home because of some reasons.

Most people love home, love going back home, commonly in Lebaran day. It has become such a huge tradition that brings huge stories everywhere, every side of many places. See, you can find many people around only for coming home.

The philosophy is not like a short and simple pant, but it's a lot more than that. I read some people work for eleven months far from home just to earn money for going home a week or two. The story of love, sacrifice, need etc are well-mixed together.

It's a bunch of stories that jumps one another in my mind. But, I am not going to tell others' story, I can make a book for that, maybe not in this moment :) I am sleepy by the way.