Allah Maha Baik

Friday, August 9, 2013


Well, yeah, I miss blogging. Literally I missed blogging since I am home. U know why home is being called home sweet home? There u can find warmth, cozy situation that makes you forget such craps in this somewhat hard life.

I was wondering the difference between home and house once, then I found the meaning for each. House is just simply for building, something consists of stones, cement, and sand. But home, it's widely defines many beautiful and wonderful things in this world. Sure, not always. I admit this, sometimes you are not gonna love your home because of some reasons.

Most people love home, love going back home, commonly in Lebaran day. It has become such a huge tradition that brings huge stories everywhere, every side of many places. See, you can find many people around only for coming home.

The philosophy is not like a short and simple pant, but it's a lot more than that. I read some people work for eleven months far from home just to earn money for going home a week or two. The story of love, sacrifice, need etc are well-mixed together.

It's a bunch of stories that jumps one another in my mind. But, I am not going to tell others' story, I can make a book for that, maybe not in this moment :) I am sleepy by the way.


  1. even a beggar like me still have home

  2. Everyone has home :) (as long as they still have heart to feel).
