Allah Maha Baik

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Makin Pelupa

Duuuuh kesssssseeeeeeel, sehari aja coba tanpa lupa tentang sesuatu. Akhir-akhir makin pelupa dengan banyak hal, lupa ngambil uang, lupa naroh kunci, lupa naroh barang kecil lainnya. Pagi ini keliling gara-gara lupa ngambil kunci sama suami. Hadeeeh.

Awalnya sempat takut, khawatir ni otak jangan-jangan ada yang salah, salah sambungan atau pernah kebentur? Hoho. Browsing sana sini, langsung bernafas
lega. Ga ada yang salah, cuman overloaded aja dengan buanyaknya tanggung jawab yang harus diemban. Dari subuh sampai sebelum jam 7 ngurusin baby cute unyu unyu yang ga mau lepas dari ibunya, kemana mana ikut, nyuci mau digendong, masak ikut juga, maunya menggelayut manja atau at least ibunya duduk dekat dia, rada screwed up gimana gitu, tangan cuma dua, tapi semua harus diselesaikan. Kadang yang prioritas banget yang dikerjakan, cuci popok, masak nasi, masak bubur, mandiin baby, siap-siap. Di tempat kerja, all the things seem like to blow up, buanyaaaaak banget yang harus dikerjakan, seperangkat administrasi ditambah jam berdiri yang full sampai sore.... aggggh bisa jadi kayak amoeba, membelah diri jadi tiga aja pasti semua beres.

Tuhan, kasih tambahan kekuatan dong, terutama di kepala ini biar ga pelupa lagi.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Sail Tomini: A School Visit

There is always a 'sail ...' event passing the island I am living in. This year is Sail Tomini, I am sure it is somewhere around east of Indonesia, like Wakatobi or Raja Ampat.

A little bit different from years before, there is a formal school visit this year. Last year, I only met two sailors ( can I say sailor anyway?). Well, all these foreigners live in the sea, simply reminds me to a book of Ernest Hemingway which unluckily still unfinished read status, yet. They were american and they were spouses, so we just shared one another in a small group of students.

Today was awesome because everyone could get involved. Some of them came to our school, to observe the school, look around I bet. We were well-prepared as a result of an order to do so. So, there were many performances from our cool students. I am thinking to open an art school, like Dream High thing, because my students are great artists.

We welcomed them with poetry, "pantun" that made them a bit confused, won't be easy to understand. Then Beripat Dance, Campak Dance, and Antu Bubu. I guess everybody was having fun, I hope so.


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Bismillah: A moment to start from another minus 0.0

I am thinking about a curve or graph, or chart... or else which shows how life is going up and down in some ways. Unpredictable, but amazingly could be passed one by one, whether it is hard or too hard..huft.

Right now, I am sure I am in a point of eager to start from minus, I have messed some things up so to reach this goal I will start over. Sadness won't help. The most important thing is having many high dreams are free, not even need to pay for a penny, so why bothers?

Opening many doors, hoping one will friendly say hi and let me in. I believe I can say it's possible. Every single thing is possible as I love to struggle for striving. Let's move.