Allah Maha Baik

Sunday, February 9, 2014

White Lie? That's Nonsense

I love surprise, just can't change it although nobody surprises me in a good definition recently. I hate lies, whatever it is, whether it is white or black, or even grey. And sure, I hate liars, when they lie once, they will do it again and again. 

I always wonder how a liar has grown. Should I refer to a he or she? I m sure "it" isn't logic. So, let's call a liar here a he. He can simply say a thing, lighly, comes out from his mouth while he doesn't care the risk. He supposes that everyone loves being lied, just like he himself, so it's not a big deal to create such a huge trauma in others heart dealing with him.

Hmm, I know we tend to judge others who different with us wrong, but let see the case clearly. How can we become so arrogant to feel right in most cases without noticing in detail what's going on? Simply say it's a genetic huh?

Well, I have met some liars. The low level until the high class of liars. Let see, when we promise we will meet with somebody else, somewhere, at a certain time. If s/he comes always late but s/he says she doesn't mean it, he is a low level one. I msure, everybody lies some time but in a demanding point, which he can be forgiven. But for the high class, he often lies to you no matter the case it. Let say, he promises he will do something for you, but he never did or he did very lately until you say it repeteadly in his ears. Or he asks your permission to go somewhere, then you find he goes to somewhere far than the place he tells you before. That's scary. I just can't believe that there are some people like this. Especially for men, don't they realize that they will be responsible to build a family, or a city, or a country. But how come if they can't build trust in their profile. Isn't trust the precious thing needed in building a global partnership, is it?

Yeah, maybe I m too naive but I certainly believe that even white lie is nonsense. 

*God, I m sure U sees the flowing. Save me from liars.

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