At the edge of 2013. Love to do such a flash back. I did these long time ago for making sure whether all my targets achieved or not but for this year it's just a slide show of memories, no targets, no more ideas of being pushed.
Six (first) month of this year. They were such a nightmare. You know, if you used to run then you have to walk (even) very slowly, it simply would make you hopeless. I was going back to the place I thought I belonged but I saw many things changed. The changes were not those that I was supposed to be ready for them. So, I got a very long days run slowly. Guess what? Was it like in a jail? Not too bad, but I just didn't love it at all. All promises simply unveiled, then I got all lies laughing at me. To make it worse, I started not to believe anybody because of the crash happened.
Later, I didn't wanna be arrogant, but sometimes it seems for me life gives me some things when I don't ask for them anymore. Since July, the rhythm moved to another direction. It gave me beats although some looked staccato. Well done for the acknowledgement, let"s turn on the slide shows.
Ah, I am still confused to replaced this term with what, since ki can be he, she, or it, somewhat they in several conditions. Maybe I can describe for the general one first. ki is the source of my learning recently, because on the previous I was too blind to learn, too much enjoying the atmosphere. ki shows me how life should be. I can find how truth is still the important point because lies won't help. Lies will lead you to the wrong ways and decisions. Lies can hurt many lives around. ki lets me learn how being honest is far better than being skillful on lying. Another point is ki teaches me how easy throwing words and promises, but complicated and hard applying them. How someone keeps his promises show how responsible he is. A man is respected not for what he is saying, but for what he is doing. ki is the model of this. ki has done many things without asking back. ki has become many things just because I need ki for being something else. ki is multi-talented. I have gone through every second of this year with ki, ah except October I bet. Another year without ki will be harder.
ki is the major color of my 2013, now let's move to another stories of me. I said before in my writing that keeping promise to myself is a bit harder. I proved that again, in another case. See, at the first days of this year, I said I would read different genre, not only fiction that can make me so barely not poetic at all. But, again I break it, when I see the lists of books read, novels are still number one. They are enormous, making my old cupboard tired. I can say, my reading is decreasing recently maybe it's so hectic. I still prefer reading the real books to e-books. Those e-books let me down, let my eyes painful. I am sure I have to adapt myself if I want to be a part of tech era :), no worries, I just love buying books than those unfriendly gadgets.
Ah ya, accomplishment. I am not sure I have one. None of my previous old targets are achieved, even I forget them all. Maybe my lifestyle is better, but what? I still a lover of fast food or canned food or sold food instead of my own cooking. But, yeah, I do a lot exercises at least, somewhat regular. Isn't that great? About my job, hmm what should I say? I enjoy it a lot, going in early morn and coming home late in the afternoon is good. I won't tell that in detail.
Well, 2013.. is not my favorite year.
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